Diversity Data for Dialogue: Navigating the Global Landscape: 17 October – Join Us for this Event

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We promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Legal sector

We are collectively committed to working collaboratively to promote greater Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in our teams and the law firms that we work with.

Become a Signatory

General Counsel for Diversity & Inclusion Statement

We, as advocates for diversity, equity and inclusion, will demonstrate our commitment through specific actions and initiatives.

We commit to promoting diversity in the workplace

We value the range of perspectives, ideas and experiences that diversity provides. Whether grounded in gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, cultural background, religion or age.

We believe diversity and inclusion create a broader, richer environment

This enhances creative thinking, innovation and problem solving, which adds value to our organisations. We believe that inclusive organisations attract and retain top talent.

We will therefore encourage greater diversity and inclusion

Fostering these values across our own businesses, in the legal profession and the broader business community.

We undertake to practice and advance diversity and inclusion

By promoting diversity and inclusion within our own teams; considering diversity and inclusion in our hiring and purchasing practices; encouraging and partnering with our law firms to adopt best practices in diversity and inclusion; and promoting diversity initiatives at all levels in the legal and business community.

Our Signatories

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Become a General Counsel Signatory

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