New: Gender Community Breaking Barriers Podcast Episode 3
Woman crossing fingers together



GCD&I Relationship Charter

A 5-Step Relationship Charter that Signatories and law firms can agree on at the start of a working relationship to commit to and foster DE&I in their day-to-day conduct


GCD&I Nudge Cards: Engagement with Law Firms

Nudge Cards to support Signatories in their engagement with law firms across all areas of D&I. There are three cards which capture: 5 Principles for General Counsel engagement with law firms; 5 questions to ask Leaders & Partners; and 5 questions to ask D&I Functions.


Practical Steps to Achieve DE&I In-House: Measuring Success – Practical Tips and Tricks

This Chart has been put together by the GCD&I Working Group following the Spotlight Session on Measuring Success of In-House DE&I Efforts and to support Practical Step 8: “Measure your success: ensure that assessment, measurement, and research regarding D&I guide your decisions”


Practical Steps to Achieve DE&I In-House: How to Measure Your Success

In the Framework Materials the GCD&I Working Group identified 10 Practical Steps to achieve In-House D&I. This material expands on Practical Step 8: “Measure your success: ensure that assessment, measurement, and research regarding D&I guide your decisions”


GCD&I Spotlight Session: Mentoring for Junior Lawyers Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways from one of a series of Virtual Sessions which aim to provide Signatories, and the wider GCD&I Community, with an opportunity to share practical insights, experiences, and challenges with a view to driving greater Diversity, Equity and Inclusion across the legal profession.


Diversity & Inclusion in In-House Teams: Ten Practical Steps

In the Framework Materials launched in April 2020 our Working Group identified 10 Practical Steps to achieve D&I In-House.  Since then Agile Teams drawn from across the Working Group, have expanded on the Practical Steps.