Meet the GCD&I Social Mobility Community:  What does Social Mobility Means to Us?

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D&I In-House Step #10: Make D&I a sustainable force in your organisation

In the Framework Materials our Working Group identified 10 Practical Steps to achieve D&I. This material expands on Practical Step 10: Make D&I a sustainable force in your organisation and includes guidance on how to make your D&I efforts more sustainable and have a long-term impact on the culture of your organisation. (Published December 2020)


D&I In-House Step #7: Training Resources

In the Framework Materials our Working Group identified 10 Practical Steps for In House D&I. This document expands on Practical Step #7: Invest in learning. Our In House Sub Group has reviewed a number of available D&I trainings which may support you in implementing this step. (Published November 2020).


Business Case for Diversity & Inclusion: external resources

A selection of external sources highlighting the business case for Diversity & Inclusion to accompany the “Business case for D&I in law firms and in-house legal teams” in the Framework Materials (Published November 2020).


GCD&I Framework Materials (April 2020)

An initial selection of papers created by the GCD&I teams with the intent of offering guidance and support including: What we mean by D&I; Proposed Metrics and KPIs; Practical Steps for Engaging Law Firms; Practical Steps for D&I within In-House Teams; and Guiding Principles for Engagement Agreements.

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GCD&I Roundtable Note of Key Themes

Briefing for attendees of the key themes emerging from our discussion at the “Accelerating Change” Event held on 24 February, 2020.

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GCD&I In House Survey Results

Results of a survey of signatory legal teams, assessing the current state of D&I at signatories against global benchmarks and highlighting strengths to build upon and areas for development for improving D&I.